On 28 January 2014, students of the seventh grade of the Lower Sorbian Grammar School in Cottbus/Chóśebuz in Germany practiced together with us for the creative competition that we have planned, by making a multilingual video spot.
Based on the inspiration they got from the language diversity ambassadors, in groups the students thought about why they learn languages and what its advantages are. Some of the results can be viewed here:
The Lower Sorbian Grammar School is the only grammar school worldwide where you can learn Lower Sorbian until the school-leaving exam. Many students come from one of the Lower Sorbian elementary schools; other students come to the school for its good reputation and start to learn Sorbian from the seventh respectively fifth grade. Ms Schurmann / kněni Šurmanowa, the teacher for Lower Sorbian and History, showed the LD team the school and explained them the special features and challenges of bilingual teaching in Lower Lusatia.
Wutšobny źěk a na zasejwiźenje w Chóśebuzu! Thank you very much and see you again in Cottbus!